CPA & Fiscal Certified Professional Oscar N. Brum Barrón
BBA GROUP Founding Partner
Certified Public Accountant and as a postgraduate title in Tax Law from the Universidad Tecnológica de México. He has more than 30 years of experience in Accounting, International Taxes, Audit, Transfer Pricing and Comprehensive Tax Advisory. He is also an active member of the Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México and the IFA (International Fiscal Association).

In this practice, the Founding Partner, CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Oscar N. Brum Barrón, recognizes problems such as the lack of immediate access to complete information for decision making, which can affect the future of both national and foreign organizations. This is the main motivation behind GRUPO BBA's professional practice in different areas such as: auditing, accounting, tax, transfer pricing and corporate law, managed by an innovative technological platform.
After a long learning process of more than 15 years working in several companies, as well as in two of the most representative firms worldwide in the accounting field, an innovative project in business consulting was started, which would become a life project.
In 2008, BRAN and SAMSA emerged as Civil Societies to complement the range of professional services that add value to the services that BBA had been providing to its clients up until that date. In 2009, the sustained growth generated the need to invest in technology, both in applications and in equipment, so EPSA was born.
In this way, and after 8 years of starting a dream, it is how GRUPO BBA is conformed, where all those services related to the creation, development and administration of businesses in Mexico are integrated.

Intelligent management of your company
We offer an innovative and user friendly suite that adapts to the needs of your company, with the support of a team committed to its clients.
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